Corre o vento

Spain / 2024 / 30'


Among the Galician mountains lies Vilar do Courel, a small village that has been resisting disappearance for decades. Its last three inhabitants are the guardians of a timeless space, which passes through its past and looks to its future from an empty, immobile and fragile present. With Branca's return from Barcelona, the village begins to change. At night, memories, dreams and ancient legends guide the characters through magical forests and forgotten paths.

Full Cast and Crew

Director: Paula Fuentes, Guillermo Carrera
Guion: Paula Fuentes, Guillermo Carrera
Producer: Laia Bellés
Film Editing: Carlota González Gómez
Cinematography: Martín Ávila
Sound: Òscar Acón

Póster Oficial

Poster Oficial





Paula Fuentes, Guillermo Carrera

Paula Fuentes, Guillermo Carrera

Paula Fuentes was born and raised in a small village in the Serra do Courel, a mountainous area in the province of Lugo (Galicia). She studied Cinematography in Barcelona (ESCAC). Later, he did a Master's Degree in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies (UPF) and a Postgraduate in Audiovisual Editing (UPF BSM).

Guillermo Carrera was born in Ponteareas, a village in the province of Pontevedra (Galicia). He also studied film at the ESCAC and did a Master's Degree in Theatre Creation at the Carlos III University in Madrid.

Paula is particularly interested in the investigation and expansion of representations in the rural environment and Guillermo is interested in exploring the relationship between theatre and film as a means of poetic artifice. Now they present together Corre o Vento, their first project as directors, a piece on the borderline between documentary and fiction in which collective memory, ghosts and ethnography coexist in the portrait of a people and a culture at risk of disappearing.

Festivals and Awards

Festival de Málaga  2024
PLAY DOC. Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Tui  2024
L'Alternativa  2024


Sobre márgenes

Márgenes es un espacio de exhibición y distribución de cine independiente y de marcado carácter autoral e innovador. Un proyecto poliédrico que incluye el Festival Internacional de Cine de Madrid, el laboratorio de desarrollo MÁRGENES/WORK, la distribuidora Márgenes Distribución y nuestra plataforma VOD.
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